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The Institute's prestigious position in the TFL industry is above all attested by the fact that it has 34,000 members in over 100 countries worldwide. The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (UK) is the oldest institute of logistics in Europe.

During the last 20 years, the Institute has prepared 7,500 studies, surveys and reports for the needs of businesses, government organizations and multinational corporations. The CILT (UK) supports logistics activities of numerous international charities. For the purposes of the Institute, the Board of Directors works constantly, bringing together 150 heads of logistics from the largest corporations. They establish the directions of research and development of logistics for the upcoming years. Moreover, for many years, the Institute has been carrying out intensive activities in the field of logistics education for large corporations, small and medium-sized businesses.

The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw is the only University in Poland to join the elite ranks of the CILT (UK), meeting the highest criteria for obtaining accreditation. It thereby enters an elite group of Universities and Institutes, such as Oxford Brookes University, Cardiff University and the London Institute of Shipping and Trade.

The IULT in Wroclaw is the only university in Central and Eastern Europe that has been accredited by the British logistic institute for Logistics - 1st degree engineering and bachelor’s studies in 2012-2017 and master’s studies in 2012-2017. The success is possible thanks to University’s efforts to constantly develop the level of tuition, ensuring the introduction of practical elements in the tuition process, involvement of academic staff in conducting interdisciplinary methods in tuition , development of scientific infrastructure (the best, specialized logistic laboratories) and, perhaps most importantly, permanent contacts with the broader business environment, including cooperation with companies from the transport - forwarding - logistics sector.

In 2016, the university obtained an extension of the CILT (UK) accreditation for the Master's program of The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (UK), which appreciated the IULT in Wroclaw, extending the accreditation until 2021. In 2017, the CILT (UK) accreditation was extended for Bachelor’s and Engineer’s studies until 2022. The award is a confirmation of high education standards and a continuous increase in the level of education at the University.

The IULT membership in the ranks of elite European transport and logistics Universities gives its students the guarantee for broad career prospects in the logistics industry. The certificate which is stated on the graduation diploma is widely recognized and preferred by the most respected logistics companies in the world. Graduates of the IULT can count on employment in the best companies in the industry worldwide. University graduates who are asked about additional qualifications during job interviews can now refer to the international certificate of the CILT (UK). Graduates who hold the CILT (UK) certificate have skills in managing logistics projects.

Membership in the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport also gives students and graduates access to a wide range of CILT resources throughout their careers - including information bulletins, research works and other scientific sources.

The achievement of CILT membership by IULT in Wroclaw is not only a success of the university itself, its teaching staff and students, but - equally important - allows Poland to be placed in the vanguard of countries with the most modern, educational logistics facilities. Once again, IULT in Wroclaw has set educational standards as a university that cares for the continuous development of the level of education.

What benefits does the CILT membership give to our students:

  • Studies at the only University in Central and Eastern Europe accredited by the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (UK).
  • Prestigious certificate CILT (UK) is recognized by logistics managers in Europe and worldwide.
  • Access to the CILT (UK) database of over 37,000 specialized items related to logistics and transport.
  • Ability to become a licensed member of the oldest and largest institution associating logistics specialists in Europe.




We are pleased to inform you that as a result of the assessment of the university's scientific activity by the Science Evaluation Committee, the International University of Logistics and Transport in Wrocław has received the scientific category B+ in the scientific discipline of management and quality. Scientific categories are awarded to   universities by decision of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.


As a result of receiving the B+ category, the IULT in Wrocław is an academic university.


The awarded category determines, among others:


  • the possibility of conferring academic degrees,
  • independence in creating fields of study.

Many years of scientific achievements of the university have been appreciated, and  along with the obtained category,  its even greater development will be made possible.




On 21 Feb 2013 the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) presented a report on the impact of higher education on the development of Wroclaw. OECD is an international economic organization which consists of 34 countries. The Wroclaw academic community at the meeting with representatives of the OECD declared their willingness to submit to the analysis in order to show how higher education institutions affect the city's development.

It is written in the report that the International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw, which equips students with the necessary skills required in the current labour market "enables students to acquire additional knowledge and to complete their education. The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw provides logistic companies with trained professionals. Most students are employed in the logistics sector."

This statement based on careful research carried out by a globally-recognized institution confirms that the International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw educates students at a high level owing to elaborated syllabuses created for the needs of the economy. In this situation, the IULT is distinguished by its study programs focused on educating professionals in line with market needs, thus offering the best courses of study.






The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wrocław has once again achieved a very high position in the Perspektywy 2024 Ranking of Private Universities.

The ranking has been prepared by the Perspektywy Educational Foundation for the 25th time. During the jubilee gala held in Warsaw on June 26th, the ranking results were announced and the best universities were honored with diplomas. Among the distinguished was IULT, and the diploma was received by the university's President, Janusz Pawęska. In this year's edition of the ranking, IULT is among the top ten private universities in Poland. It is also the best private university in Lower Silesia. The university received the highest marks in areas such as graduates in the labor market in terms of employment and salaries, as well as internationalization. The evaluation of scientific activity was also highly rated.


The high rating in the Perspektywy 2024 Ranking confirms the university's commitment to delivering education in accordance with modern academic standards, offering the highest quality studies, which places IULT among the leaders in the higher education market and confirms its position as the best specialized logistics university in Poland.


Link to the ranking (Ranking Szkół Wyższych Perspektywy 2024)


This year, for the second time, IULT was also included in the Academic Universities Ranking, which also places it in the Technical Studies Program Ranking in the logistics field. This is the result of many years of scientific achievements and high-quality education, as well as receiving the B+ scientific category.


Link to the ranking (Ranking Szkół Wyższych Perspektywy 2024)


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The Ranking of Private Universities - Perspektywy 2023 is one of the most prestigious and authoritative educational rankings in Poland. The ranking reflects all important functions of universities: research, teaching, social and those related to knowledge transfer, and also takes into account the economic fate of graduates.


The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wrocław has once again achieved a very high position in the Ranking of Private Universities - Perspektywy 2023. The University has received the highest marks in such areas as: economic fate of graduates, academic staff with the highest qualifications, and internationalization.


The high rating in the Perspektywy 2023 Ranking confirms the University's commitment to providing education in accordance with modern academic standards, offering the highest quality studies, which places the IULT in Wrocław among the leaders on the Higher Education market and confirms its position as the best specialized logistics university in Poland.


Link to ranking


The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wrocław has once again been recognised, taking a very high position in the Ranking of Private Universities, confirming its status as the best specialized logistics university in Poland.


This year, for the first time, the IULT in Wrocław was included in the Ranking of Academic Universities, placing it also in the Ranking of Fields of Technical Studies in the field of logistics, as one of two non-public universities from all over Poland.


This is the result of many years of scientific achievements and high-quality education and obtaining the scientific category B+ qualifying for conferment of  a doctoral degree.


Link to ranking





The IULT in Wrocław has once again won a very high position in the Ranking of Private Universities - Perspektywy 2022, confirming that we are the best logistics university in Poland.


The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wrocław received very high marks for the economic fate of graduates, staff saturation with people with the highest qualifications, parametric evaluation and internationalization.


The high position in such a prestigious ranking confirms that the IULT in Wrocław maintains teaching standards in line with the latest trends on the labour market.



Link to ranking


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The IULT in Wrocław once again has received the title of the best Polish logistics university in the Ranking of Non-Public Universities - Perspektywy 2021.


The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wrocław has received very high marks for internationality, qualified faculty and the economic fate of graduates.


The Perspektywy 2021 ranking is one of the most significant and authoritative educational rankings in Poland. It takes into account various aspects of universities, including diversity of the education offer, multiculturalism of the academic community or carrying out research.


The high position in such a prestigious ranking is a confirmation that The IULT in Wrocław maintains teaching standards in line with the latest trends on the labour market.



 Logo RSW 2021


Ranking of Non-Public Universities – “Perpektywy 2020”, is one of the most prestigious educational rankings in Poland. The ranking reflects all the important functions of the higher education institutions: research, educational, social and related to the transfer of knowledge. It also takes into consideration the economic fate of graduates.

According to the Ranking of Non-Public Universities – “Perspektywy 2020”, the International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw is the best logistics university in the country.

Among all non-public universities in Lower Silesia participating in the survey, the IULT in Wrocław obtained the highest marks in such areas as: preferences of employers, the best qualified scientific staff, the effectiveness of obtaining external funding for research and internationalization.

The high position in the “Perspektywy 2020” Ranking is a confirmation of the University’s involvement to the implementation of education in accordance with modern academic standards, and also proves the highest quality of studies, as well as places the University among the leaders on the Higher Education market.


 perspektywy 2020




Ranking of Non-public Universities - Perspektywy 2019, is one of the most prestigious educational rankings in Poland. The ranking reflects all the important functions of the higher education institutions: research, educational, social and related to the transfer of knowledge.


According to the Ranking of Non-public Universities – Perspektywy 2019, the International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw is the best university in Lower Silesia.
Among all non-public universities in Lower Silesia participating in the survey, the IULT in Wrocław obtained the highest marks in such areas as: preferences of employers, the economic future of graduates, the highest qualified scientific staff, the effectiveness of obtaining external funding for research and internationalization.

The dynamic development of the university is a response to the growing demand of employers for outstanding specialists from the TFL industry, and the high position in the Perspektywy 2019 ranking indicates that the IULT guarantees such well-prepared specialists for the profession.







Once again the Ranking of private non-public education institutions called Premium Brand 2017 took place, in which the High Reputation Universities were chosen. The research covered public higher education institutions, private master's and state higher vocational schools.

We are pleased to inform that in the General Ranking of Non-Public Master's Universities, the International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw won ex aequo the third place, thanks to which we were awarded the title of High Brand Reputation University Brand 2017.

The respondents identified us as a prestigious university and one that they would gladly recommend to their relatives. Thanks to these opinions, in both of these categories, we also found ourselves on the podium. We are also happy that our contribution and commitment to work with students was appreciated, and thus IULT took the 2nd place in the Professional Perspectives category - after graduating from this university you can find a good job - that's what 88% of respondents indicated.


The reputation ranking of the Premium Brand was compiled on the basis of the results of a nationwide opinion survey, carried out among people who know a given university. The reputation survey was conducted by MAISON & PARTNERS on the Ariada nationwide research panel, and the survey was performed on a random-quota, nationwide sample of CAWI consumers. The sample was quoted according to the representation in the population of Poles aged 15 or more (gender, age, education and size of the inhabited town were taken into account).

Reputation measurement was conducted using a tool developed by prof. Dominica Maison covering five key aspects. These are:

  • Reputation (It is a prestigious university),
  • References (This is a university that can be recommended to friends with a clear conscience),
  • Media atmosphere (It is a university highly spoken about in media channels),
  • CSR, social involvement (This university takes into account the well-being of society in its activities),
  • Perception of career prospects (I associate this university with a chance to find a good job).

Based on the ratings in the examined aspects, the Premium Brand reputation index was calculated, which takes values from 1 to 100 points. A score of at least 60 points qualifies an entity to obtain the title of High Reputation University Premium Brand 2017.    




The Key to Success

In 2017, the International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw became the winner of the XXI edition of the Lower Silesian Key to Success. It received a special distinction and the title of the Leading Logistics University in Poland.

The Lower Silesian Key of Success is the prestigious, highest regional distinction granted to outstanding personalities and the best companies, institutions and local governments, which contribute by their activity to the development and promotion of the Lower Silesia. The project commands great interest and recognition of economic, cultural and local-government environments.



The University of Leaders

On June 29, 2024, the Final Gala of the Leader University 2024 Competition took place at the Staszic Palace, the HQ of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. The IULT was represented by Dr. Karolina Wnuk – Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Logistics and Transport at the International University of Logistics and Transport (IULT) in Wrocław, and Monika Łyszczarz – Head of the Career Office at IULT in Wrocław.
Once again, the International University of Logistics and Transport in Wrocław was honored with the Leader University certificate, being the only non-public university in Lower Silesia with such a distinction. This is the 14th time that our University has been among the best in the country.

In this year's edition, IULT was also honored with the Primus award, as it has earned the highest number of ranking points in this year's certification procedure.

The Leader University certificate is awarded to the higher education institutions that stand out in the market for their actions oriented towards educating social leaders, building a civil society, and shaping creativity, ingenuity, and pro-innovative attitudes among students.

The awarding of the above-mentioned prizes confirms that studies at the IULT in Wrocław, through modern, practical education, develop the ability to build the leadership competencies expected of logistics professionals in the job market. It also demonstrates the university's development and its position among the leaders in higher education.




The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw was once again awarded with the Certificate of Reliable School, granted by the Academic Information Centre for the academic year 2023/2024. The university has been the laureate of the Reliable School certificate since 2005. This award confirms the high standards of teaching, both substantive and practical education.


The IULT for the 12th time has also received the certificate Good School – Good Job, which is a document that proves reliable preparation of students to enter the labour market. This award is a distinction for the university as an institution implementing appropriate teaching programs and presenting the best tools, as well as projects that improve the status of graduates in the labour market.


Since 2010, the Reliable School project has been accompanied by a competition for the most innovative and creative university in Poland addressed to all public and non-public higher education institutions. This year, the International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw once again became one of two winners. In the competition organized for the eighth time, the degree of using modern technologies supporting the tuition process was assessed, as well as familiarization with innovative activities implemented in the higher education sector. Based on a multifaceted analysis, the IULT was among the winners who got the highest score in all areas studied.


The university has received high marks in particular for:

  • unique and innovative study programmes,
  • exemplary cooperation with companies and enterprises from the TFL industry,
  • internationalization of studies,
  • prestigious accreditations,
  • a modern scientific and didactic base,
  • dynamic research and development activity.



Studies with the Future

The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wrocław took part in the 6th edition of the National Program for Accreditation of Studies “Studies with the Future”.


The excellent assessment of the submitted application confirms the University's commitment to education in accordance with modern academic standards, which resulted in receiving the Certificate and the Quality Mark of the Study with a Future in the field of LOGISTICS for first-cycle studies.


The certificate was awarded to a field of study, educational program of which stands out from other educational programs at universities in Poland, and also enables students to develop professional skills valued nowadays by employers. The Logistics major at the IULT meets the following criteria:


  • modern, innovative teaching methods are used during the implementation of study programs,
  • during the studies, evaluations of the quality of teaching are taken into account,
  • the education program is aimed at developing students' skills, attractive to their future employers,
  • proportions between theory and practice are adequate to the profile of studies,
  • the field of study is adjusted to the needs of the labour market and the expectations of the socio-economic environment of the University.


Having such a prestigious accreditation proves the highest quality of studies, and also places the University among the leaders in the higher education market.

More at:


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Parent-Friendly University

The Association of European Advisors PLinEU announced the results of the Good Practices Competition entitled "Parent-Friendly University." Only nine higher education institutions were awarded in this competition in Poland.

The winner among others was the International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw.

The university received a diploma for creating friendly environment for studying and working parents, as well as for introducing solutions conducive to combining family life with education and work.

The description of the so-called good practices evaluated in the competition will be published in the information and promotional material. "Good Parents' Guide to Good Practices" will be published in the form of an e-book and will be available on the Internet.

More information about the competition:


The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw
 ul. Sołtysowicka 19B          51-168 Wrocław Poland
 tel: +48 (71) 324-68-42 int. 125

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